NESHLA: Reference:
 Integers and Arithmatic Operations


The NESHLA compiler supports a number of different types of immediate integer declarations. The types are as follows:

decimal A normal number. 123, 1234, 128, 255
kilo The number preceding the "K" is multiplied by 1024. For example, 32K is 32768. 1K, 2K, 4K, 32K
hex (C style) Hexadecimal numbers in the "0x" C style. 0x0123, 0x1234, 0x80, 0xFF
hex ($ style) Hexadecimal numbers in the "$" ASM/Pascal style. $0123, $1234, $80, $FF
binary Binary integers are preceded with a "%" character. %10011010, %01001011

 Arithmatic Operations

The arithmatic operators and keywords perform integer arithmatic operations. They can be used with addresses, variable addresses, and anywhere else an immediate integer can be placed. Multiple operators and keywords can be used together, and brackets can be used along them to define more specific operations.

+ Add A + B
- Subtract A - B
* Multiply A * B
/ Divide A / B
% Modulo A % B
>> Binary Shift Right A >> B
<< Binary Shift Left A << B
^ Binary Exclusive OR A ^ B
& Binary AND A & B
| Binary OR A | B
== Boolean Equal To A == B (results in 1 on true, 0 on false)
!= Boolean Not Equal To A != B (results in 1 on true, 0 on false)
>= Boolean Greater Than or Equal To A >= B (results in 1 on true, 0 on false)
<= Boolean Less Than or Equal To A <= B (results in 1 on true, 0 on false)
> Boolean Greater Than A > B (results in 1 on true, 0 on false)
< Boolean Less Than A < B (results in 1 on true, 0 on false)
! Not !A (results in 1 on true, 0 on false)
~ Binary Not ~A (results in the inverted integer of A)

lo Lo byte of word lo(0x1234) (results in 0x34)
hi Hi byte of word hi(0x1234) (results in 0x12)
nylo Lo nybble of byte nylo(0x12) (results in 0x02)
nyhi Hi nybble of byte nyhi(0x12) (results in 0x01)
sizeof Size of Variable sizeof(word) (results in 2)


// array elements defined with arithmatic operations
byte oamaddrs[] = {$00*4, $08*4, $10*4, $18*4}

// code with an arithmatic sizeof keyword
adc #sizeof(SPR_OBJ)

// use of the lo and hi keywords on an immediate integer passed as a macro param
inline jsrind_imd(pproc)
  lda #lo(pproc)
  ora #hi(pproc)
  if(not zero) {
    assign_16i(_jsrind_temp, pproc)

// use of the lo and hi keywords on a pointer variable passed as a macro param
inline jsrind(pproc)
  lda pproc + 0
  ora pproc + 1
  if(not zero) {
    assign_16_16(_jsrind_temp, pproc)

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