NESHLA: Reference: Variable Declaration and Use:
 Variable Declarations & Manipulators

 Variable Declarations

The Syntax

// standard variables
[shared] type label [: address ] [= value]

// typedef variables
typedef [shared] type label [: address ]

// variable arrays
[shared] type label [] or [size] = {
  // elements

// typedef arrays
typedef [shared] type label[size]

// structs
[typedef] [shared] struct label [: address ] {
  // other variables


byte counter
byte amount = 123

pointer nametablePtr // pointer for the name table

struct time {

struct scrollTo {
  byte flags
  word x, y

struct player {
  byte sprite
  byte joypad
  struct move {
    byte x, y
    byte amount
  byte anArray[10]

 Variable Arrays

Variable arrays can be defined with a specific size value as a place holder, or have their elements explicitly defined. If the elements are explicitly defined, the size does not need to be specified.


// standard place holder variable array declaration 0x0200, 0x100 // start, max block len

// ROM variable array declaration with defined elements

byte player_tiles[] = {
    $01,$02, $03,$04, $05,$06,
    $07,$08, $43,$44, $41,$42,
    $11,$32, $54,$11, $42,$32


The variable manipulator keywords are used at variable declaration and can change the use and properties of a variable.


The typedef keyword creates a variable type/struct skeleton. A variable with the typedef keyword does not actually declare a variable which takes up space in ROM or RAM, only a new type. The new variable type can then be used like a standard variable type.


// defines a new variable type INT of the byte type
typedef byte INT
INT myNewIntVariable

// defines a new variable type OAM_ENTRY of a struct
typedef struct
  BYTE y,
OAM_ENTRY oament
assign(oament.tile, #123)


The shared keyword is used exclusively for warning messages. If you turn the warning level up to "2" or higher, it will warn you if a variable is accessed in both interrupts and functions, unless of course, it's declared as a shared variable. This is handy to prevent certain variables from being hijacked during an interrupt execution.


shared byte varForInterruptsAndFunctions

 ':' (address specifier)

The ':' operator on variable declarations allows you to manually specify the exact location of the variable. It is useful for cases such as registers.


BYTE PPU_CNT0      :$2000
BYTE SPR_DMA       :$4014
BYTE PPU_IO        :$2007

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